Easy way to set up an account on crypto.com login
Tosign up for an account on the crypto.com exchange, here are the easy steps tobe followed:
1. Begin the process bynavigating to https://crypto.com/exchange
2. Do you see that "signup" button at the top? If yes, select it
3. On the "Sign up"screen, fill out all the essential details that are asked of you
4. During the process, you'llbe asked to choose a crypto.com login password
5. If you have a referralcode, feed that too (optional)
6. Select the "Signup" button to proceed further
Inthe next few steps, you'll be asked to verify your email address for which youneed to follow a few easy prompts. Once you are done with that, you need tofill out a few easy details to end the account registration process.
Now, let's discuss the crypto.com loginprocess
Signinginto your crypto.com account is a very crucial step that will help you getaccess to all the features that are available on the platform. So, here we arewith a few easy steps that you need to follow if you wish to gain access toyour account and the linked benefits.
1. Visit the official websiteat https://auth-x.crypto.com/users/sign_in
2. Thereafter, you need toenter the email address that you've registered with your account
3. Further, you can provideyour crypto.com login password
4. If you think that the feddetails are correct, you can hit the "Log In" option
5. In case you see any loginissues, then you can repeat the process or reset the password of youraccount
Concluding thoughts:
Ihope the details that I have furnished above have helped you in creating accessto the crypto.com exchange. In case you come across any crypto.com loginissues, then you can follow some easy steps to get rid of those issues. You canclear your browser cache and cookies, or you may also try updating thecrypto.com app (if you are using it on your exchange).
Meanwhile,the best way to get rid of this issue is to quickly reset your password and seeif that helps. At the same time, it will also help you avoid the chances ofyour account getting hacked.